Pig: Kimmie Kardashian

/kunekune-kimmie-with-hair-ribbon-kelli-bKimmie has gone to a home where she will continue to be treated as a beloved indoor and outdoor pet for the rest of her life. If only all pigs were as fortunate...

Thank you to everyone who expressed concern and interest or applied for her adoption.


Eighteen-month-old Kunekune pig, Kimmie Kardashian, has been raised from a tiny piglet as a fully interactive family pet. Like dogs and cats, she has free access to both the inside and the outside of the house via a dog-flap and we hope this level of inclusion will be able to continue in her new home. After watching TV with her family at night time, Kimmie prefers to trot outside to sleep in her hay-filled dog kennel.

Serious illness has struck her primary caregiver and, sadly, fulfilling Kimmie’s practical and social needs is now very difficult.

Kimmie’s caregiver says: “It will be very hard to let my Kimmie go, but I know she needs more than I can give her. She loves being around me and my family but, since my illness, we just can’t give her the care she needs. I have been trying to organise a home for our wonderful girl but it has been very emotional because she is my baby and part of our family…but some days I cannot even get out of bed to look after her.

Kimmie is very social and deserves to be around other pigs or animals and people who can spend loving time with her. We feel she is missing out socially as I’m now confined to my bedroom most of the time. If you could help in any way Linda, it would be very much appreciated.”


Gentle Kimmie is house-trained, sits on command, comes to the call and especially loves the Golden Labrador dog with whom she lives and snuggles up. She also enjoys the company of the three cats, the parrot and the children who share her home. Kimmie likes to be indoors with her family and wags her tail as she greets visitors at the door.

She likes to eat fruit and vegetables and commercial pig kernels in addition to her main diet of fresh free-range pasture. Kimmie is in good health and has been regularly wormed. Because she is not de-sexed, she could only live with other sows or with neutered male pigs.


Please apply if you are able to offer Kimmie the kind of domestic immersion she is accustomed to. If no such home is available, I will consider a more outdoorsy one provided there is plenty of shelter, stimulation and loving interaction with her caregivers every day. Kimmie must not be used for breeding.

It will be a huge wrench to both Kimmie and her family when they are parted, so her successful applicant will need to be sensitive to Kimmie’s initial distress. Kimmie’s current family must be allowed to visit you and your property before an adoption is authorised. Thank you.

NOTE: Kimmie is not an unusual pig. There is extensive evidence that pigs are as smart and sociable as dogs and have cognitive abilities that are superior to 3-year-old children, as well as to dogs and cats. While we shower some animal species with affection and respect; others such as pigs, face mass slaughter. We encourage you to choose a plant-based diet.

kunekune-kimmie-side-on-kelli-b kunekune-kimmie-w-dog-friend-kelli-b kunekune-kimmie-with-dog-indoors-kelli-b