Mr Personality


When I approved Charmaine as Mr P's new guardian, she went on a shopping spree for him. It was so lovely to arrive at her home where every precaution had been made to keep him safely indoors - and every effort had been made to help him to settle in smoothly.

It was love at first sight...and it was mutual. She and Richard re-named him Perci and introduced him to their gorgeous little dog, Gemma.

I was delighted to receive the update below from Charmaine.

mr-personality--gemma-new-home"Perci is the best cat in the universe!!! He is such a character and we cannot imagine our lives without him. He definitely favours Richard who spoils him rotten. He sleeps curled up behind Richard's back every night. He and Gemma are great friends and have a playful wrestling match every morning. He is much loved".

 Subsequent e-mails and photographs have been so heart warming. There is no doubt that this kitten and his guardians are perfectly matched.

mr-personality--toy-new-home mr-personality--charmaine-new-home mr-personality-relaxing-new-home



Mr Personality was born to a very timid, homeless cat with three beautiful littermates. His mother was trapped and spayed and returned to her environment with a daily volunteer feeder in place. He and his siblings have been fostered until they were old enough to be de-sexed and offered for adoption.

This very cute 7-month-old kitten is a little shy when he first meets a stranger, but he loves human interaction and is absolutely special.

mr-personality-with-jack He's the kind of companion who leaps onto your lap while you go to the toilet, climbs into your trouser leg and helps you wash the laundry. He plays with your hair, puts his little nose right up your nostrils and into your ear holes. He becomes so ecstatic when he is being petted that his ready purr becomes metallic sounding squeaks of delight. He smooches against the dog, follows my feet from room to room, chases a string with passion and plays boisterously with his siblings.

Mr P is gregarious and is up close & personal...but be warned, he will explore your household inch by playful inch. Toilet lids will need to be down, pot lids firmly in place, delicate clothing safely in drawers. You will need to be very careful to keep doors & windows firmly closed while he settles into your home environment. mr-personality-with-siblings

Mr P is neutered, micro-chipped, fully vaccinated, flea & worm treated. He is expert at using a litter tray and a pleasure to be with. If you are able to provide him with plenty of loving touch and play and if your home is in a traffic safe area, I very much look forward to hearing from you. Any children in the family would need to be gentle and at least school age. Thank you.

mr-personality-sitting mr-personality-on-couch