
Update: Inca's life has been saved. She had her surgery and is managing exceptionally well on three legs. Huge thanks to Eyal and Fiona for donating the first $75 towards her vet bill and to Bettina and Pat for contributing the balance. A fabulous team effort and outcome!


Dear Friends,


This morning I had an urgent call about a lovely cat named Inca (pictured), who was hit by a car on Tuesday night and stayed at an afterhours emergency clinic. Yesterday she was taken to a local vet for pain relief, X-rays and blood tests. It turns out she has a broken jaw and is in need of a leg amputation. Thankfully there is no internal bleeding or organ damage and her health is otherwise excellent.

Since then, Inca has been awaiting euthanasia or surgery, depending on whether or not enough funds could be raised. Her caregiver has been distraught because she cannot afford the $1,984.00 to have Inca’s jaw wired and her front leg amputated. And she has been unable to bring herself to give permission to have her cat euthanized.

I spoke with the vet this morning and he said Inca’s prognosis should be good following surgery, but that she was currently very uncomfortable. I spontaneously offered to pay the first $500 – if he would agree to go ahead with Inca’s surgeries today. I just couldn’t put the phone down and leave Inca to suffer or die. Thankfully her guardian is allowed to pay the rest of the bill off by instalment arrangements with the clinic. Inca is undergoing surgery as I write.

inca2Are you able to assist me with raising the $500.00 I have pledged please? We have cared for Grace, a three-legged cat, for many years and she absolutely thrives as an amputee. I couldn’t bear to think of any animal’s life being taken when surgery is all that is required.

Please CLICK HERE for payment options. Thank you so much in anticipation.

Love Linda